Peasants' War, (1524–25) peasant uprising in Germany. Inspired by changes brought by the Reformation, peasants in western and southern Germany invoked divine law to demand agrarian rights and freedom from oppression by nobles and landlords. As the uprising spread, some peasant groups organized armies
The UN commission conclude about the events in Darfur is human rights had been violated, but that the conflict was not genocide
The Commission concluded that the Government of Sudan has not attempted a policy of genocide. Arguably, two elements of genocide might be gathered from the gross violations of human rights committed by Government forces and the militias under their control.
These two elements are, first, the actus reus consisting of killing, or causing serious bodily or mental harm; and, second, based on a subjective standard, the presence of a defended group being targeted by the authors of criminal conduct.
I think it is Federalist.
He would have encouraged them to celebrate their racial identity
"I want to write like a white poet"; meaning subconsciously, "I would like to be a white poet"; meaning behind that, "I would like to be white." And I was sorry the young man said that, for no great poet has ever been afraid of being himself. And I doubted then that, with his desire to run away spiritually from his race, this boy would ever be a great poet.