There is an outer core and an inner core. The outer core is extremely hot and is made mostly of molten (or melted) iron, which is called magma. It is about 1300 miles thick
The term "law" is a historical relic going back to Newtonian times, when after Newton's development of classical mechanics, it was thought that the workings of the universe were directly analagous to a perfectly constructed and perfectly predictable clockwork. That was turned on its head as a result of quantum mechanics, and modern scientists typically avoid use of the term "law" anymore because it is too dogmatic. Newton's "Laws" are still called that mainly for historical reasons now. What used to be called laws are now called theories.
What will happen to the population of mice that it will keep growing at a tremendous rate without a fear of being caught by a predatory. This will increase the population curve of mice but will decrease the population curve of the cat at similar speed.
What else can happen is that cats will no longer be depending on Mice for their food and they will be finding some alternate food host.
What else can happen is the trait of tailless cannot be favored by environment as proposed by Lamarack in his theory of evolution that if organism acquires some favorable trait during his life then it is possible that he will pass this trait to offspring. Though this trait is not naturally induced therefore, there are no chances that tailless mice can born and nature choose it as a favorable trait.
In 1880 August weismenn did experiment of similar nature, he cut off the tails of 20 successive generations of mice abut not a single tailless mouse was born. Therefore, he proved that until nature selects some traits, they are not that easily passed from one generation to another if induced by human.
Conclusion: <em>Therefore, after 50 generation mice will be just like parent mice with tails however they will have good population and less predators.</em>
Hope it help!