The reputation of most Mongol warriors was strong, violent and fearless, which strikes fear into your enemy’s and helps when your a empire that survives on defeating other kingdoms and empires. Hope this helps, Please Mark As Brainliest
The Americas! The discovery of the new world opened up a new output for products like gold and silver. (Especially silver for Spain) The Columbian exchange resulted in foods such as the potato being brought over to Europe. Did you know the first potatoes were actually from Peru! Labor animals like cows and bulls were brought over to the new world. This was basically the only good thing about the Columbian exchange for the AMericas. Europe mostly just gave the Americas disease and death.
Three of the factors in Russia which fostered the revolution of 1917 were the impoverishment of the peasants who struggled to survive on their small plots of land and to pay the debts they owed to buy their land after the serf system was changed; many peasants who couldn't make a go of it fled to the cities and took part in the local industrial revolution but were oppressed by inadequate wages and poor working conditions and lastly WWI resulted in the poor masses in Russia being used as canon fodder in an unjust imperialist war to divide up the world differently unlike WWII which was to end the Nazi tyrrany.
One of the main similarities is that they had their possessions buried with them for the afterlife. The ancient Egyptian pharaohs buried riches and all of their possessions, while Shi Huangdi was buried with a whole army of terracotta warriors and horses. ... They planned their burials for most of their lives.
Czechoslovakia was annexed by Germany 4 months before the beginning of ww2