Sarbatoarea Pastelui este o sarbatoare crestina ce reprezinta Invierea Domnului. De fiecare data cand este Pastele ar trebui sa primim lumina in suflet si sa ne bucuram de existenta tuturor lucrurilor de pe acest pamant. Sarbatoarea Pastelui este un prilej de a ne arata sufletul si de a-i ajuta pe cei de langa noi.
<span>Ca si oameni dar si ca participanti la aceasta sarbatoare, ar trebui sa meditam si sa ne gandim la cine vrem sa fim, ce vrem sa ajungem... poate ca aceasta sarbatoare face parte din acel circuit al vietii noastre, atunci cand fiecare din noi isi gaseste linistea sufleteasca si merita o sansa la o viata noua. Trebuie sa ne bucuram ca am fost mantuiti si sa fim niste persoane mai bune, meditand si intelegand. Sarbatoarea Pastelui este o minune in fiecare an.</span>
I think the correct answer to that question is three
the me mental is a mostly - solid bulk of earth intriar the mental lives between earth dense super headed core and its thin outerlayer is the crush the moltan material that surrounded core was early mantle our millions of years the mental cooled .
Clear rendering reads;
With the interference of factors such as the economy, politics, social and environmental issues and technology, the manager needs to evaluate the scenario to establish strategies. In this sense, the manager must perform the ________________, which is the ___________________ of the four administrative functions. This function, evaluates the scenario, makes a diagnosis and helps the manager to establish goals to decide the best way to reach them. The words that correctly fill the gap are:
Planning function, first
Remember, the four main administrative functions of a manger are:
- Planning
- Organizing
- Directing
- Controling
So in this situation we would expect the manager to first plan strategies in advance that would enable the company strife through the environmental issues that may affect it.