you took the words right out of my mouth
that was really inspirational
Tempera is traditionally created by hand-grinding dry powdered pigments into a binding agent or medium, such as egg yolk, milk (in the form of casein) and a variety of plant gums.
1. Mary is a beautician.
2. I am now acting president of the corporation.
3. A teenager's favorite food must be hot dogs.
Spanish Translation:
1. Mary es esteticista.
2. Ahora soy presidenta interina de la corporación.
3. La comida favorita de un adolescente debe ser los perros calientes.
The Dutch Golden Age is one of the finest examples of independence breeding cultural pride. During the 17th century, driven by new freedom from Spanish Catholic rule, the Dutch Republic experienced a surge in economic and cultural prominence. An influx of trade boosted commerce, leading to the rise of a large middle and merchant class in the market for the proliferation of art that had cropped up in response to the burgeoning celebration of Dutch life and identity. Painting flowered as artists focused on everyday scenes of ordinary life, expressed through a growing cadre of genre works, all indicative of the thriving creative period.
When : When are you going to be home from the party?
What: What do you think would happen if I went to this party ?
Who: Who do you think is going to be at the party?
Why: Why do you think these people are going to be at the party?