The correct answer is option D which is release of water from the vacuoles.
The difference in second plant from the first one is rigidity. Second one is wilted and not rigid. This is due to the release of water from the vacuoles in the cell of plants.
Vacuoles are present in the center of plant cell. They are usually filled with water and provide structural support to the cell.
In the absence of water filled vacuoles, plants shoots are wilted as in case of second plant.
Answer: Mantles
Explanation: Mantles convection currents causes plate movement
I believe that what is meant with the phrase "older explanation" is none other that superstition. Therefore, I will give you one superstitious belief which is now explained by science.
In Southeast Asia, people used to believe that St. Elmo's fire appears in remote areas because a bloody battle occured in that place leaving disembodied souls of the dead wandering there in the night and even in sunshine!
For generations, many people believed that this is a fact and some even say that these apparitions are diabolical or demonic in nature. So often, caution is advised to people whenever a ball of fire appears out in the open.
However, recent breakthroughs in the 21st century helped scientists to explain this mysterious phenomena. They found out that St. Elmo's fire is actually plasma, nothing special. Now, plasma is considered one of the states of matter! But mind you, it still does not explain why St. Elmo's fire seems to have a mind of its own!
Answer: The difference between structures of glucose and galactose occurs at a carbon other than the anomeric carbon.
Explanation: The cyclic structure of glucose and galactose is cannot be inter converted because the change does not occurs at the anomeric carbon.
It takes place at carbon number 3 ( Fisher's projection)which does not takes place in the opening and closing of the rings.
Anomeric carbon are the carbon that takes place in the opening and closing of the rings.