Since she's not driving her car, there is no carbon emissions emitting from her car. Thus, there will be less carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in comparison if she were to drive her car. Good luck!
Lycopudium is a plant of genus from moss and equistem that compromises the horsetails.
The 120 miligram per 100 milliliter of the sugar suggests that the blood is hyperglycemic.
the hyperglycemia is the condition, in which the blood sugar level increases than the normal blood sugar levels. The main cause of the insulin is decreased function of the insulin hormone. The condition, in which the insulin is not working properly and is unable to metabolise the sugar (glucose) present in the blood is known as Diabetes.
So, the given case can be a result of diabetes.
Mediante la fotosíntesis, las plantas transforman el CO2 atmosférico, o del agua, en materia orgánica (carbohidratos, lípidos, proteínas y ácidos nucleicos), de la que se alimentan los seres vivos a través de las cadenas alimentarias, donde pasa a formar parte del cuerpo de estos seres vivos.