An example that I would give of a situation in which a real-life problem has to be solved or a decision has to be made using good judgement would be the case of deciding what to study in university:
<em>"When I had to decide what I was going to study, I immediately put journalism out of my mind, as I believed it did not suit my personality. Even though I loved writing, I had always imagined that journalists had to be aggressive, </em><em>overconfident</em><em> and pushy, and that news only happened in other, more interesting places. I could not see how that could fit me. The school counselor I talked to kept telling me that this was not the case, but my </em><em>belief perseverance</em><em> would not let me listen to other information. In the end I decided to go for accounting. I believed that accounting was only about boring numbers, and for the first few months, I was responsible of </em><em>confirmation bias</em><em>, as that was the only thing I noticed about my studies. However, over time, I grew to like the path I had chosen, and I do not regret it."</em>
1. industrial pollution
2. people who were dumped in the river or buried on the banks after their families could not afford a proper cremation.
i hope this helps?
D, it says it will be appointed by the governor
फ्लोरिडा पटाखे औपनिवेशिक युग के ब्रिटिश और अमेरिकी अग्रणी बसने वाले थे और उनके वंशज अब फ्लोरिडा के अमेरिकी राज्य हैं। स्पेन में सात वर्षों के युद्ध में फ्रांस की बाद की जीत के बाद स्पेन ने फ्लोरिडा को ग्रेट ब्रिटेन में व्यापार करने के बाद सबसे पहले 1763 में पहुंचाया।