Protestant ethic is the beleif that sacred authority called for hard work, saving, thrift, and honesty as necessary for salvation.
A. He did not want slavery to spread to new territories.
Dred Scott v Sanford
In <u>Dred Scott v Sanford</u>, the Supreme Court justices determined that slaves were property and therefore had no legal rights.
In the Dred Scott v Sanford case, Dred Scott a black American who had lived an a territory were slavery had been banned sued for his freedom arguing that since he had lived in illinois and Wisconsin, both free territory, he was a free man. However, the court ruled that he was still a slave, the Supreme court corroborated the ruling of the lesser court that he was still a slave and therefore had no legal right and cannot sue.
In East Asia, particularly in China and Japan, Confucianism, Taoism, Zen Buddhism and Shinto took shape. Other religions of Asia include the Bahá'í Faith, Shamanism practiced in Siberia, and Animism practiced in the eastern parts of the Indian subcontinent.
Explanation: Millenialism is a believe propagated by some religions like christianity and Judaism that a new age will come on earth where all things will become new,they believe that the promised Paradise will soon take place on earth after this present time or age has come to an end.They believe it will happen before the final judgement by the Messiah. The Notion of Millenialism has made many of the adherents of these religions to attribute present happenings to the signs that the paradise is coming.