Answer: A person who has a diet, works out more, and takes care of their body.
Explanation: they do what they gotta
Explanation:Understanding a film is knowing its storyline, while explaining a film is being able to analyze the underlying meaning behind the storyline and exploring the different perspectives of looking at different ways producers displayed and chose the scenes. Films that attract audiences are usually the ones that requires our brain to think and figure out. For example, the film “Inception” became very popular because the storyline ‘played’ with our brain. Being able to infiltrate the subconsciousness of somebody and to implant a person’s idea into a target’s subconsciousness, is a totally new concept to the audience. It brought about a lot of questions, resulting in vast amounts of discussions. It was an easy film to understand; however a difficult film to explain.
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La escala menor natural es equivalente al modo eólico de la escala mayor. La escala menor natural de la (que coincide con las teclas blancas del piano al igual que su relativo mayor, do mayor) está formada por las notas: la, si, do, re, mi, fa, sol y la. ... Esto nos da como resultado la llamada escala menor armónica.
A. that religious customs form an important part of culture
Edward Burnett Tylor (1832-1917), based on the Darwian theories of the time, defended the idea of the psychic unity of the human species in which culture developed in a progressive, linear and uniform manner. In this context, the development of cultures took place in stages, with Europe being the most advanced civilization.
Starting from this evolutionary assumption, Tylor tried to demonstrate that the emergence and development of religion would have gone through several phases as well, starting with animism, going through an intermediate phase of polytheism and ending with monotheism.