Ptolemy accounted for 'retrograde motion' in his model of the solar system by introducing smaller circles named 'epicycles'.
- According to Ptolemy, the Sun and the other planets in the Solar system orbited around the Earth.
- The Greeks were convinced that Ptolemy's earlier model did not provide for backward or the retrograde motion.
- Ptolemy thought over it for a while and theorized the possibility of 'epicycles'.
- According to Ptolemy, the planets that orbited Earth also orbited another smaller point.
- The smaller orbits followed by the planets while in motion around the Earth in a larger orbit were introduced by Ptolemy as 'epicycles'.
- Until Kepler proposed his models of the functioning of the Solar system, Ptolemy's models were considered the most relevant.
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Te puedo ayudar diciendote que una cosmogonia
Es un relato donde se explica la creacion del cosmos (osea del universo). Si se explica el origen de las personas es una antropogonia y si explica el origen de los dioses es una teogonia.
Answer: Cropping patterns
Explanation: refers to proportion of area under different crops at different points of time. It also indicates the time and spatial arrangement or sequence of crops and / or fallow in a particular land area.