<u><em>Tenuto: Hold the note in question its full length (or longer, with slight rubato), or play the note slightly louder.</em></u>
<u><em>Staccato: Signifies a note of shortened duration or detached (not legato)</em></u>
<u><em>Legato: Indicates musical notes are to be played or sung smoothly and connected.</em></u>
going to the science fiction thing cuz they already want to know that stuff so it makes since and if they where well known actors in the since world it would mean more people going up to them and in turn more people being told about it
Africa is a very patriarchal part of the world. In some villages women have to carry water from rivers for miles and men would simply drink all day, however men still have power. This is the case in many countries in Africa; womens soul purpose is to reproduce, take care of the house and family.
For the audience to get a better visual?¿
10 hours ago How to reword "for my art viewing i explored". it’s dumb but i’m stuck and i dont like the way it sounds.