This probably means that the choice is yours. Your the author of the script of your life because you get to write your own story and make your own choices. Your the captain of your ship for the same thing. You sail wherever you want to lead your life too/
The answer is her true feelings for her mother the first one number 1 ONE
According to the French dictionary Petit Robert, it "perhaps" originally came from Italian, "Bombagia", meaning cotton.
Ref: 1220; o. i., p.-ê. de l'it. bombagia « coton
Note: Agreed, the word beige most recently came from French. I went too far back to 1220!
(edited 2018-03-08)
All of these could influence a person’s perspective.
5. This says that Lennie has the obedience of a dog. He listens to George and would go as far as jumping of a cliff if told so.
(I hope this helps you. Read this book last year so might be a bit off. Try using google too; Ex: "Of Mice and Men Chapter 2 analysis", I usually find helpful information)