the point of science is to disprove hypothesis so having a hypothesis that doesn't allow that to happen is not good science
2. they don't fit in our mouths so are a trait from when we had larger jaws
3. bones of your lower jaw, middle ear and voice box (they aren't actually gills fyi, they just look like them)
4. likely yes as their bones were hollow but likely only able to fly short distances, the thought was that they couldn't do their size and weight but with hollow bones they were able to like a quail would
5. no because they could be sister taxa, you would have a hard time proving exactly that this new fossil is the common ancestor that birds came from to replace the old hypothesis (guess) of which one did.
What determines the chemical properties is : color, hardness, luster, crystal forms, density, and cleavage.
The crayfish is a relatively large specimen, even the mouthparts. Since you are dissecting the mouthparts, you need a 3D view: you should use the dissecting microscope.
As requested in the question above, the primers were presented with 8 nucleotides, with the nitrogenous bases of the DNA, and in the 5'-3 'direction.
Primers are small fragments of DNA that are used by DNA polymerase to form new strands. The primes attach to pieces on the ribbon, through the complementarity of the nitrogenous bases, serving as a template for the DNA polymerase to create the new ribbon.
DNA polymerase uses primers at the origin of replication, and can follow the path from the right or from the left, depending on the primers used, for this reason, this question has two answers.
Answer: Option B
Pigs wallow in the mud to cool themselves down.
Explanation: Pigs' skin contains lots of fats, and fats serves as thermal insulator during cold (low temperatures); unfortunately, this feature turns becomes a disadvantage during heat (high temperatures). Hence, pigs frequently wallows in the mud (or any nearby cool water place) - to reduce their body temperature.