The church assumed governmental duties and created a church hierarchy. It was used to govern monasteries for hundreds of years.
Its B because it was clearly written at the time that it was happening.
René Descartes, a French philosopher, mathematician and physicist, is dubbed "the father of modern philosophy", and many of the Western philosophical treatises that came after him are reflections of his theses, which are still taught today, especially a book that is still the standard text for most faculties of philosophy . Wikipedia
Date and place of birth: March 31, 1596, Descartes, France
Date and place of death: February 11, 1650, Stockholm, Sweden
Influence: Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Thomas Alak
Deurbanisation is the act of people moving away from urban areas and going rural, it happened in the British period because people saw a flood of British machine made goods and artisans lost their work so they moved back to their villages