<em>In 1787, <u>George Washington </u>was persuaded to attend the Constitutional Convention and subsequently was unanimously elected its president.</em>
the exam will end at 11:10
10:15 to 11:15 is one hour, so you can subtract 5 min and that leaves you with 11:10
D. Moral compass which is mostly governed by the prefrontal contex of the brain, now this is found in humans only as of the late. The Frontal Lobe of the four lobes of the cerebral cortex is responsible for the logical thinking and problem solving, as well as rationality and reasoning further involves morality. In the theory of the Triune Brain it illustrated and clustered the brain into three different types which is the: Reptilian complex (instinct), limbic system (emotion), neocortex (higher brain)
Answer: Constitutions usually come into being in Constitutional assembly. First step: general elections to constitutional assembly, Second step: constitutional assembly forms a comission that draws proposal(s) of constitution. Constitutional text is approved and adopted by Constitutional assembly.
Explanation: Constitutional assembly is later substituted (by means of legislative elections) by legislature (lower chamber of parliament of congress).
Root and Rise is used during Yoga Session.
Explanation: Root and Rise is primarily used during the Yoga session whereby a woman and man will get connected to his environment( Nature) whereby you meditate on your thought without being disturbed by anyone. Its a state of total Calmness from the top of your body to the sole of your feet .