The 1828 Tariff of Abominations was opposed by the Southern states that contended that the tariff was unconstitutional. The Southern states whose livelihoods were being harmed firstly by having to pay higher prices on goods the South did not produce, and secondly increasing taxes on British imports made it difficult...
Japan violated the League of Nationâ??s terms of war by invading Manchuria
Delaware<span>, </span>Pennsylvania,New Jersey,Georgia<span>, </span>Connecticut<span>,
Bay, </span>Maryland<span>, South Carolina, New Hampshire, </span>Virginia<span>, New York, North Carolina, Rhode island</span>
After the Chilean parliament in August 1973 declared Allende's regime illegal and ordered the armed forces to overthrow him, Augusto Pinochet (the chief of the Chilean army) stormed the seat of the executive power, during which Allende killed himself. Then, he dissolved parliament and established a ruling junta under his leadership, which retained power in the country until March 1990. He took over the presidency in December 1974 and gave his government a constitutional basis through a new constitution in 1980 (which in modified form still applies). In a second referendum in 1988, he failed to gain support for another term and resigned in favor of the Democratic candidate Patricio Aylwin. He was forced to resign as army chief in 1998 and spent the rest of his life avoiding being prosecuted for human rights violations committed during his presidency.