Answer. The ssdp a necessity in the context of Nepal in the following ways: Access to basic and secondary schools improved. This output will help implement a revised pro-poor scholarship program in all 75 districts, and will include targeted interventions for girls to take up secondary science education
29 members of the congress have been accused of spousal abuse.....
Interactionist theory
Interactionism is a hypothetical point of view that infers social procedures, (for example, struggle, participation, personality development) from human cooperation. It is the investigation of how people shape society and are molded by society through implying that emerges in connections.
Interactionism, otherwise called emblematic connection, is one of the primary points of view in humanism. Interactionism utilizes a miniaturized scale level methodology, concentrating on social connection in explicit circumstances.
A. All of the listed answers have distinct structures and sets of functions is the correct answer.