A teacher is the most sensible one. because in doing so the problem is reviewed by a higher source, therfore the outcome of that vs any ohter is the most satisfiyng
(C) Her allergies made her susceptible to asthma attacks.
I'd use explicit details describing every bit for example Marrissa just got home from soccer she was walking up the sidewalk, they had just beat the Longway Eels and she was tired. When i get inside I'll just go up to my room and rest she thought. She grabbed her keys to unlock but found it was already open. Hands sweaty and shaking she slowly pushed open the door. Creeeaak. Slowly she walked inside shaking from head to toe. Uuumm Hello she said you could hear the fear in her voice. Mom iii'ts me Marissa. She said as she looked from side to side slowly, she walked into the kitchen and saw a note on the fridge. Dear Marrissa, I went out to get some grocceries for dinner i left door unlocked wasn't sure if you had your keys be back soon Love, Mom. She took a sigh of relief. She laughed. I was scared for nothing well i guess i can go rest now. As she went up the stairs, she heard a strange noise reee scratch scratch She took a deep breath it probably nothing Marri stop scaring yourself. She continued to climb up the stairs she heard the noise again reeeee She gulped she climbed last step creeeak RAAAA. She screamed aaa and ran into her room and shut the door she turned on the light a stopped to take a breath maybe i should do some homework she grabbed her book bag and sat at her desk and started on her math homework. the light flickered she jumped it's just the power the light always flicker Marri calm down she continued with her work her neck started to get warm she felt the deep breaths on her neck haa haaaa
In "The Wife of Bath's Tale," which of part of "The Canterbury Tales," by Geoffrey Chaucer, the Knight is ordered to find out what women most desire. That is how he meets the Wife of Bath. She is a well-off woman who has been married before, so she is quite experienced in love and sex matters. She is also wise, talkative and quarrelsome. Her previous marriages have made her able to supply for herself in a time in which women had little autonomy and strength. As a result, she is used to using her body to manipulate her husbands.