Answer: I'm almost 100% sure that the 2nd one is correct, but I would wait for another opinion as well.
The US believed in isolation, if another country attacked the US that is the only way that we would get involved, therefore we tried to stay out of the mass killings and havoc that the Germans and Japanese were creating until we felt that it involved the US. The US did not want to pick a side and have to stay loyal to that side and go to war when that country did because of the alliance. The US finally joined in to help the allied powers to supply them with weapons/military troops. They did not enter the war until December 1941.
Answer: Individualism, Equality, Informality, The Future, Change, Progress, Achievement, Action, Work, and Materialism, Directness, Assertiveness, and Time. It was easy to live together. The Indians helped the settlers by teaching them how to plant crops and survive on the land. But the Indians did not understand that the settlers were going to keep the land. This idea was foreign to the Indians.Their settlements and social groups were impermanent, and communal leadership (what little there was) was informal. After European contact, some Great Basin groups got horses and formed equestrian hunting and raiding bands that were similar to the ones we associate with the Great Plains natives.