Charles X became king of France in 1824
1.They were included as examples of exemplary women because they did set an example on the way of life and the need to ability to break traditions against women and growth. Through the inclusion of women it is monumental in motivating them and showing the inclusivity by Confucian way of life.
2.15 Important Life Lessons All Women Should Know
#1 Learn to be happy by yourself. ...
#2 Family comes first. ...
#3 Don't bottle up emotions. ...
#4 Love yourself. ...
#5 Never underestimate yourself. ...
#6 Don't chase money, chase happiness. ...
#7 Look after your body. ...
#8 Things can change in just a day.
One characteristic is that he was famous for his uncanny ability to elude and outsmart British forces.
1. Normal
2. Criticism of Existing Regime
3. Widespread Dissatisfaction
1. Society divided into class and rank with church, nobles sitting above everyone else. The churhc and nobles owned majority of the land and wealth
2. Enlightenments used reason and science to question the hierarchy of society and revolutionary ideas start spreading in the country.
3. Events anger citizens which question the people in power. Events of debt due to war from Louis XIV, self-indulgence like Louis XV and Louis XVI. Increase in food prices which people can't afford and the taxing of nobles.