<u>Flannery o'Connor and William Faulkner explored the lives and existence of the people of the south</u>.
Sir William Harrison Faulkner </u><u><em>grew up in the South, and recreates the story of those lands and the various races that have lived in them.</em></u>
Flannery O'Connor</u>, <u><em>belonged to the generation of writers of the South. In his work, the protagonists are local white and black characters.</em></u>
<u>Both speak about the people of the south</u>, <em><u>with the difference that in the whole of</u></em> <u>O'Connor's narrative the main thing is the concern for the divinity</u>, <em><u> as opposed </u></em><u>to violent events as happened in the narrative of Sir William Harrison Faulkner</u>.