Economists often agree that the ideal GDP growth rate is between 2% and 3%. 5 Growth needs to be at 3% to maintain a natural rate of unemployment.
Answer: I honestly don't know if this is correct but, military draft?
B no is correct answer.
May this help you l think
The Government's Power of Eminent Domain
Eminent domain is the power of the government to take private land for public use. This power is limited by the federal Constitution and by state Constitutions. ... The government provides the landowner a fair price, and the landowner yields the property to public use.
This is a great question with various for and against points so i shall just give you a few that come to mind.
-conditions can be below to basic living standards, which is immoral and a violation of human rights
-People wouldn't voluntarily pay money to maintain the living conditions of convicts due to the atrocities of their crime.
-Statistics support the fact 'it doesn't work' as rehabilitation is in the minority
-it does not reduce crime rate in the slightest
-what is the question suggesting should happen to convicts instead?
-wrongfully convicted
apologies im running out of time, so i can write appropriate against. hope this helps though