Because many people think different things about how they should others which is why sometimes it could be legal and other times it could be illegal.
The United States bolstered the Afghan resistance warriors after the USSR's 1979 attack on Afghanistan. Their ill-conceived intrusion transformed into a setback-filled and money related failure as the Afghans battled dauntlessly - and with American hello there-tech weapons, for example, Stinger rockets, at last, drove the Soviets from their nation.
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if you help me on my last question ill help you on this one i promise
C. Plantation system
Virginia was a colony in America that prospered through the plantation system. They cultivated tobacco and the tobacco plantation required a lot of human labour for it to be successful. Over 500,000 African slaves worked tirelessly morning and night on these tobacco plantations for their masters. The men mostly did the tedious jobs on the farms while the women did domestic chores at home.
The jobs of the slaves were very demanding and his privileges depended on the will of his master. The slave had limited freedom.