It is recess and the sun is shining! Stefanie and Latisha can hardly keep from running as their class walks in a line to the playground. The two girls have been friends since kindergarten. Both athletic and social, together they have been the leaders among their peers. They usually decide recess activities and other girls quickly follow; however, things seem to be changing in the fourth grade. Latisha is spending more time with another girl, Thanh, as they now play on the same soccer team together. They are even joining the boys in their soccer games on the fi eld. Stefanie tries to join in but the boys will not pass her the ball and she is left standing on the sidelines. She really does not like the boys. Stephanie tries to join the other girls from their class but their friendship “clubs” are already formed and she thinks that they are not willing to include new members. Stefanie goes home that night and cries to her mother. She tells her that everyone, including her teacher, is mean.
Let’s Discuss
• Are the feelings that Stefanie is articulating normal or typical? Why or why not?
• How might you explain Stefanie’s feelings about friendships?
• How might you explain Stefanie’s assessment of other people’s actions?
• How might you explain Stefanie’s feelings about gendered friendships?
Can someone help me with grammar
In 'Fahrenheit 451' by Ray Bradbury, the job description of firemen is very different from what it is in our society.
In Churchill's "Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat" speech, he invites the House to approve of the war measures he has put into place.
This speech is a famous one given by Prime Minister Winston Churchill at the beginning of WWII. His call "to wage war, by sea, land and air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us" is now famous in British history.
Specifically, he uses the word invite in the context of "I now invite the House, by the Resolution which stands in my name, to record its approval of the steps taken and to declare its confidence in the new Government."
He has just created a War Cabinet that will hopefully provide strong administration for the nation against the German threat. He is then seeking the government's support of his actions.
C. Friar Laurence's advice had fortified her; she does not view death as something to be afraid of.
100% positive, from a girl who took this quiz awhile ago