the way the Constitution is interpreted.
Finance and Administration
The Finance and Administration Section Chief of the Incident Command System is split into four units:
1. Time Unit
Responsibility: Time recording of personnel
2. Procurement Unit
Responsibility: Contracts of Equipment rental supply
3. Compensation/ Claims Unit
Responsibility: Claims, Records, Compensation of workers
4. Cost Unit
Responsibility: Estimates collections. Monitor incident cost
D. Because their bring up a whole new level of what it looks like how big is it who eats their whose the owner what are the workers like.
The biggest disadvantage of coal is that it will one day run out with how fast the economy is using it today. It also creates carbon dioxide, which is hard to breath and also clogs up the atmosphere, making it thicker and trapping more heat. a better alternative is wind, solar, and water energy. these are clean, electronic ways to power and save our world