Introduction Purpose: Explore the interdependence of organisms by
performing an experiment with lima bean plants and earthworms. Question: How can the presence of one species benefit another in
the same ecosystem?
Hypothesis: If plants grow in soil containing worms, then the
plant growth will be greater, because worms help decompose organic matter and distribute it through the soil in a form that plants can use.
A. Sediment
As water flows, it both breaks down rocks and picks up soil. When the pieces of rock and soil are travelling in water, they are called sediment.
a seasonal prevailing wind in the region of South and Southeast Asia, blowing from the southwest between May and September and bringing rain (the wet monsoon ), or from the northeast between October and April (the dry monsoon ).
the rainy season accompanying the wet monsoon.
The thing you need to do with the damage cases is mark them as damaged and report it immediately to a supervisor, after recording the damage encountered in a load. Tell and report the damage cases immediately or as soon as possible to a higher rank in the company or to the supervisor when you are done marking it as damaged.