The grassland of North America is a "steppe climate" in fact in Russia grasslands are called Steppes. This climate makes us prone to WEATHER from high pressures and low pressures meeting up and not liking each other very much - Lightning, Hail, Tornados, Floods, and in the northern parts Blizzards. Basically Winds and Clouds are what we watch and monitor - beautiful, dangerous, and can go from benign to ferocious in the blink of an eye. Weather can kill and weather can be a salvation. It depends on the whims of pressure.
Human development and economic growth are two different paradigms that imply different objectives, measurement techniques, and policies.
Antarctica is the only continent with no permanent human habitation. There are, however, permanent human settlements, where scientists and support staff live for part of the year on a rotating basis. The continent of Antarctica makes up most of the Antarctic region.
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Los mares cerrados, como el Mar Mediterráneo, presentan mayores niveles de contaminación porque son entera o mayoritariamente formados por cuencas endorreicas, las cuales no tienen salida directa hacia el océano. De esta manera, las corrientes marítimas no desagotan sus residuos en el océano, sino que continúan retroalimentándose de manera cícilica, con lo que el conjunto de desechos que viaja en dichas corrientes se queda constantemente dentro de la misma cuenca.