C. Protractor is used to determine the exact location you are in using longitude and latitude
Most mexicans speak Spanish because that is their culture and it probably came along and changed from time to time. <span />
Chute. ...
Fan Waterfall. ...
Frozen Waterfall. ...
Horsetail Waterfall. ...
Multi-step Waterfall. ...
Plunge Waterfall. The Plunge Waterfall drops in a vertical flow and loses contact with the exposed bedrock. ...
Punchbowl Waterfall. The Punchbowl Waterfall has a wide catch pool at the bottom of the fall of its water. ...
More items...•Apr 25, 2017
JAJAJAJ no me gustan los koreanos pero el país que más predomina petróleo es Venezuela “El petróleo cumple una triple función en la sociedad: fuente de energía, materia prima y fuente de ingresos.”