In the streets of San Telmo Buenos Aries
1. Cristina leyó una revista mexicana.
2. Mis hermanos durmieron mucho.
3. Nosotros habíamos recibido esta foto por e-mail.
4. Julián prefería este navegador.
5. Tu pedías bajar el programa de ajedrez.
6. No conseguía la dirección de Luis Miguel.
7. Tus amigos se sentían mal.
8. Verónica no mintió.
9. Vivía en Santiago de Chile.
Huasos are similar to cowboys in the United States. They deal mainly with cattle but can also be involved with farming. Most of the Huasos live south of Santiago.
Their clothing is very traditional. They wear a hat with a completely flat, round brim. It is traditionally black. They wear knee-high leather boots with spurs.
They generally wear a black, grey, or beige sash around their waist, with part of the sash hanging to the left. A short jacket that doesn’t cover the sash is worn over this.
Finally, a poncho is worn on top of this. The colors of the poncho depend on where the Huaso comes from.