“A failure is a project that doesn’t work, an initiative that teaches you something at the same time the outcome doesn’t move you directly closer to your goal.
A mistake is either a failure repeated, doing something for the second time when you should have known better, or a misguided attempt (because of carelessness, selfishness or hubris) that hindsight reminds you is worth avoiding.
Seth Godin on 18/12/11
A window sill a young athlete
The word amorous is an adjective that comes from the Latin word "amor" and Medieval Latin "amorosus" meaning love. Then became the word amorous in English which means to show a feeling of strong love or desire. Other words that are synonymous to the would amorous are romantic, passionate and ardent.
By printing his paper, he was able to have his answers corrected. Then, Mrs. Stowers could help him.
Writing sentences with comma splices will give you a bad grade. This is one of the worst mistakes you can make as a writer.
At first he ignores it, then asks the man to come forward. In the end, he dismisses the Soothsayer's warning to beware the ides of March