PETROCELLI Getting back to Mr. King. Would you consider yourself a friend of his or an acquaintance? STEVE An acquaintance. PETR
OCELLI Mr. Cruz, friend or acquaintance? STEVE Acquaintance. PETROCELLI Mr. Bobo Evans, friend or acquaintance? STEVE Acquaintance. PETROCELLI So you're acquainted with everyone involved in this robbery, is that – —Monster, Walter Dean Myers What do Petrocelli's questions indirectly suggest about Steve? He has a lot of friends. He should study more and spend less time with friends. He is probably the leader of this group. He knows all of these people because he may be involved with the robbery.
In a realistic novel, the society is the chief concern. Realism usually presents slice of life stories that when further analyzed can be examined for societal norms and behavior and criticism of that time.