Those bandsmen played faster and harder like their very souls were on the line, and my gimp leg couldn’t keep up. I think it is suspenseful because it has action and you want to know what happens.
hope this helps! :)
1. I am an astronaut because I float in space and look at earth 2.I am a princess because my father has a crown and I have to wear a dress 3.I am a baseball player because I swung with a bat and there is a pitcher 4.I am an artist because I have a canvas and brushes 5.I am a mechanic because I sell parts of things to people
What are the answer options?
Normally omniscient (3rd person pov) provides insight about the character's thoughts and motives, but sometimes 1st person can be helpful to gain information about how the character views the situation... Sorry if this seems confusing at all.