why are you cheating, you could've asked me before the finals!!. via call. I will be emailing your parrents. You will not be able to redo your finals and now will have a 0. Im sorry. Next time you do something like this please dont cheat.
Many aspect of baby rate s life was that bad i and the
Measurements of regional and global disparities: Define indices of infant mortality, education, nutrition, income, marginalization and Human Development
Index (HDI). Explain the value of the indices in measuring disparities across the globe.
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The data showed that the main environmental problems in Western Europe were: energy production/acid rain, nuclear power/waste, air pollution/climate, heavy metals, pesticides, water pollution, solid waste, and unforeseen accidents. Many environmental problems are common to most European countries.
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The decline of the Mound Builders of Cahokia brought a mass exodus caused by resource shortage.
Answer: Option 4
Mound Builders were a group of people lived in a place called Cahokia. They built various styles of mounds to live in, to worship and also to bury people. Cahokia flourished well and their major production was corn. Also, it reformed to a notable successful city by other cities.
During the 13th century, the medieval climate warming started to happen. According to researches Cahokia had experienced a prolonged drought in its 1350s. Also, the land became unsuitable to grow corns. The food resources also started to reduce in the area.
All the resources were more scarce after 1250. So people started o leave the place abandoned to new places they could survive. At the time of Spanish's entry to Cahokia in the 15th century, the place was completely abandoned.