fast paced syncopated music to accentuate the comedy-high-pitched tense music to contrast the comedy - a serene melody to put the audience at ease-silence, with no music-slow music that builds up in tempo
Try in cognito mode or maybe sending spam emails. Good luck on your trial.
The second image, titled, “Nautilus, 1927” illustrates how a lack of texture enhances the illusion of an objects smooth surface on the two-dimensional print. Using rather flat lighting enhances the affect by filling in any local texture. This reduces contrast changes even more.
The best way to write a not card explaing the imporance of exercise is to first give the name of the sport that you are explaining then, you should start out by say this sport is fun because then, list the reasons that the sport is fun. After that, you should explaine why the sport is a good exercise for you. After you have done all of that, you should do an ending scentence restaitng all that you have said.
The answer is minimalist music.
Minimalist music is based in frequent repetition which have small variations of a small musical idea.
Usually, it is a slowly changing common chords and common tones.