In <em>"Their Eyes Were Watching God"</em>, a novel written by Zora Hurston which chronicles the emotional growth and maturity of <em>Janie Crawford;</em>
at the climax of the story, albeit the events occurred in Everglades at Lake Okeechobee's surroundings developed into Tea's tragic death, they did not ultimately destroyed <em>Janie</em>, since she returned home to <em>Eatonville</em> were she came across with her old friend <em>Phoeby</em>, in sort of a cathartic conclusion. Thereby false.
your religion is how you think like if your christian you think will god get mad at me or Hindu will the elephant like this it is all about your religion of how you mind thinks
Environmental responsibility means it our important duty to look towards the environment so that it does not get degraded. This two responsibilities could help to fight social challenges because those responsibilities make us the citizens which think about the country they live in.