The answer is Complex Carbohydrate. Complex Carbohydrate are greasy substances that are natural in nature and don't break up in water due to their concoction structure. Lipids are regularly called fats however lipids can be either fats or oils. Fats are kind of lipids that are strong at room temperature and are gotten from creatures.
Seeds disperse in four main ways, by air, water, animals and self propulsion:
Wind dispersal. Wind can carry seeds away from their parent plant.
Water dispersal. A few species use water to disperse their seeds.
Animal dispersal. Animals find fruits a rich source of food and as a result aid seed dispersal.
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To act as a catalyst in chemical reactions
Answer: The blanks can be correctly filled up with prophase I and metaphase II.
In females, finite number of oocytes are present since birth. The process of oogenesis initiate in embryonic stage only. However, oogonia divide and mature to form primary oocytes. These primary oocytes start meiotic division but arrest in prophase I stage before birth.
After a girl attains puberty, one primary oocyte resumes its division each month during a menstrual cycle. The primary oocyte divides to form secondary oocyte and polar body.
Polar bodies degenerate after completing meiosis II. However, secondary oocyte halts its division again at metaphase II until fertilization takes place. Once fertilization takes place it completes its meiosis II and results into mature ovum and polar body.