The Urinary bladder, the ureter, and the urethra are all organs that belong in the execratory system.
The heart and spinal chord are not organs in the execratory system. The spinal chord belongs to the nervous system and the heart belongs to the circulatory.
Binary fission is a type of asexual reproduction, and /or rather an asexual reproduction common in most prokaryotes.This function happens when the organism divides itself producing another replica of its genetic material and now altogether as the organism itself.
Answer: B The leaves are dark green
C The leaves are needle-like
D The leaves are attached to the stem
The pitch is the independent variable.
The dogs are the dependent variable.
An independent variable is something that you can control such as how high or low the pitch is. The dependent variable is the variable that is dependent on the independent variable. The dependent variable is the one that shows the results.