B. The senators! I don't have much more info to add, but I hope this helps!
Generally cities cause people to become more liberal, have a social hierarchy, and promote the general abundance of transportation.
Socially, you can have tenements form, races can self and forcefully segregate, and people tend to become more liberal with exposure to other races.
Cultural is kind of related. People tend to clump into ideological groups (if you can give me the context of the question I can better answer).
Political life, like I said they tend to become more liberal. If your question is centered around the 1920's you could discuss child labor laws.
On December 8, a newly-free Gorbachev traveled to Minsk, where he met with leaders of the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine, signing an agreement that broke the two countries away from the U.S.S.R to create the Commonwealth of Independent States.
Our stupid anecestors decided to put stuff in the ground walah it grows we got food huzzah.And began to settle in one place
King Leopold II created a colony in the Congo River region of Central Africa during a wave of widespread European colonization in the 1880s. The desire for valuable goods like rubber and ivory combined with limited laws and regulations in the Congo Free State led to the abuse of native laborers and countless deaths.