Complex societies are characterized by a large population living in an area, with an agricultural surplus which supports a healthy and growing population.
This eventually gives away to a clear distinction between various classes based on their jobs and wealth they possess. Again, this further gives rise to a culture, tradition and laws of the society to be developed.
However, neolithic communities of the stone ages were more simple in nature with the largest communities not more than a couple of hundred people, mostly from within the same extended family.
Farming was not abundant and many of these communities were scavengers and nomads who would travel in different seasons for better farming land.
Due to this, a complete complex society was able to develop in one place.
The Belgian mechanic and inventor is credited with building the first working internal combustion engine in 1860 was, A) Jean Lenoir. It was a gas fired internal combustion engine and was the first engine to be produced multiple times.
Writing a farewell address, establishing a cabinet to advise him on important issues are the following were precedents set by George Washington.
. writing a farewell address
. establishing a cabinet to advise him on important issues
George Washington wrote a farewell address in his farewell Presidential. He exhorted American residents to see themselves as a strong unit and maintain a strategic distance from ideological groups and gave a unique admonition to be careful about connections and ensnarements with different countries.
Also, individuals by focusing on that their freedom, harmony at home and abroad, security, success, and freedom are for the most part subordinate upon solidarity among the states.
President George Washington built up the Cabinet framework by soliciting the heads from the current three official divisions and the Attorney General to meet with him all the time to talk about issues of significance and to investigate their area of expertise's work. Notwithstanding running significant government organizations, the Cabinet assumes a significant job in the Presidential line of progression.
The Sherman Antitrust Act is the first measure passed by the U.S. Congress to prohibit trusts, monopolies, and cartels. The Act's purpose was to promote economic fairness and competitiveness and to regulate interstate commerce.
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Ok so for the first 4 to find a unit rate u divide so 6 divided by 360 which equals 60 and like number 7 u divide 153 by 3 and then multiply by 10