The Enlightenment transformed Europe's ideology and outlook on life.
it caused an increase in education and sciences/art, plus sparked events like the renaissance. plus, the enlightenment encouraged humanism, taking power away from the catholic church.
French mobs nearly destroyed the Notre Dame Cathedral during the French Revolution.
During the French Revolution anti-christian mobs attempted to tear the Cathedral as it was such a powerful christian symbol.
United States only. Race and ethnics have played a major role in the inequalities of the American education system. "Since its inception, public education in the United States has been beset with questions of which racial or ethnic group should be granted access to schooling."
the Haitian was ignited due to social tensions between French settlers and Gens de couleur (free people of color) as well as slaves, the Latin American revolution was caused due to Creoles (Euro-Americans) wanting to be independent from colonial officials from Spain and Portugal, but the French wanted to change the relationship between the rulers and those they governed and to redefine the nature or political power. They were different because the Haitian or Latin American revolution didn't have rulers that would had people want to change the relationship status, and the Haitian or Latin America started in 1791 and ended in 1804, the French started in 1789 and ended in 1799.
According to the amendment, the federal government has only those powers specified by the Constitution. These powers include the ability to declare war, collect taxes, control interstate commerce, and others specified in the articles.