Answer: Aye wassup
Think about your close friends or Family. Actually read the question before you just copy and paste it and plagiarize.
Because volunteering gives a high schooler perspective. It shows to them others who are struggling if they are helping at a homeless shelter. They get appreciated and get to do good for no reason. It makes someone feel good when they are thanked for doing something small. It helps them put their feet in the other shoes. Though they may dread it still should teach them a lesson even if it takes them a decade to realize it. It also helps them learn new skills if they are helping out at a kitchen, if they are being a teachers assistant etc. It is valuable to know how to help others and later appreciate those who are volunteering at something someone else is doing.
Hope this helps!
The focus of the book is what is now known as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Over time, the author explains how soldiers' stress and demand for aid have evolved. They use the word "shell shock" as an illustration of how the term came to be used. Compared to the names it was afterwards referred to, the author feels this two-syllable phrase was simpler and more straightforward. "The pain is completely buried under jargon," it is said. I'll bet if they had still been calling it "shell shock," some of those Vietnam veterans might have received the attention they needed. Authors argue that troops were better served by the original word, shell shock, since it didn't have a long phrase and many more syllables. When a soldier is "on the edge of a nervous collapse," he or she is said to be on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
Write in your own words to avoid plagiarism. (teachers are smart)