truth of lending act
laid the foundation for consumer protection
The current price is $3,863.99
The precious price is $5,599.99
The actual difference in price is $5,599.99 - $3,863.99
=$ 1, 736.00
Percentage decrease will be actual decrease/ original price X 100
= $ 1736.00/ $5,599.99 x 100
=0.31 x 100
All types of bonds have some common characteristics which include;
- A face/par value
- A coupon rate (interest rate).
- Either redeemable/irredeemable or convertible.
The face value of one bond is $1000 so the total value of 300 bonds would be $300,000 (300×$1000). In this example these are redeemable bonds which means Whitefeather Industries would be liable to payback the capital amount of bonds after five years (maturity date).
The coupon rate (i.e interest) is charged on Par value. So the Interest can be calculated as $300,000×10% = $30,000 per year.
In this question interest is payable semi-annually, therefore The amount of interest that occurs on December 31, 2017 is $15000 (For the last six months - July 1st till Dec 31st; $30000×6÷12).
The total liabilities amounts to $200,000
The total liabilities of Asmine Smith is computed as:
Total Liabilities = Owing on Condo + Owning a Car
Owning on Condo is $190,000
Owning a Car is $10,000
Putting the values above:
= $190,000 + $10,000
= $200,000
Note: Sum Insured under the Insurance Policy, is neither a liability nor assets. And Premium paid is an expense, will be treated as Current Assets.
P - principle of the loan
FC - finance change or total interest
N - number of months the loan is force
FC = ($1,000 x .06 x 1)
FC = $60
Finance charge is $60.