By the end of World War I, the Germans had lost far fewer men than the British is true.
World War I held between 28 July 1914 – 11 November 1918. Germany, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria, and Austria-Hungary are considered to be the Central Empires.
On that day 11 November 1918, early morning Germany lost a lot of supplies and his men. Also, their enemies were approaching Germany in order to defeat them.
Moreover, American troops were started involving in the fight on the Allied armies side. This made the weakened Central powers weaker. Thus Germany signed an agreement of calling a truce with France and other allied armies. That lead to the termination of the World War 1 also.
Both the American Revolution and French Revolution were the products of Enlightenment ideals that emphasized the idea of natural rights and equality. With such an ideological basis, it becomes clear when one sets out to compare the French Revolution and American Revolution that people felt the need to be free from oppressive or tyrannical rule of absolute monarchs and have the ability to live independent from such forces. The leadership in both countries at the time of their revolutions was certainly repressive, especially in terms of taxation. Both areas suffered social and economic hardships that led to the realization that something must be done to topple the hierarchy and put power back into the hands of the people.
While there are several similarities in these revolutions, there are also a few key differences. This comparison essay on the French and American Revolutions seeks to explore the parallels as well as the divisions that are present in both the American Revolution and the French Revolution. The political climate in France during its revolution was quite different than that in America simply because there was not a large war that had just ended in America (while in France the Seven Years War had nearly devastated the French monarchy’s coffers). Furthermore, although the lower and middle classes were generally the majority of the rebelling populace, there was far more upper class support for the revolution in France versus the participation of loyalists in America.
Two single men- Samuel B. Crockett and Jesse Ferguson-also joined the party, Those were the names of the men who, with Mr. Simmons and his companions of the former trip, constituted the important colony that began the permanent American settlement of Puget Sound.
The correct answer is - B. Abortion rights.
The religious right has always been against the abortion rights of women and they have always tried to restrict them. In their opinion it is a sin and it is against God's will, and every concealed child has to be born and given the chance to live.
Now this has always been very controversial and the majority of people in the western world don't agree with it, and there's multiple very good reasons for it:
- a woman can be raped and impregnated
- the child might be unplanned and the couple is not feeling ready both emotionally and financially to raise a child
- women have right to decide about their own bodies
- in the early stages the fetus is still not a separate functional organism but in fact is literary a parasite to the human body
When Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba in 2018 announced it had chosen the ancient city of Xi’an as the site for its new regional headquarters, the symbolic value wasn’t lost on the company: it had brought globalization to its ancient birthplace, the start of the old Silk Road. It named its new offices aptly: “Silk Road Headquarters”. The city where globalization had started more than 2,000 years ago would also have a stake in globalization’s future.