The biggest difference is the cause. The solar wind is a constant flow of particles from the sun's corona due to their high energy gained from the sun's interior, it's like being boiled off. CME's and flares are the result of “explosive” releases of energy from the sun's magnetic field. Solar flares and solar winds originate within the sun's atmosphere, but differ greatly from one another. Satellites on Earth and in outer space allow a look at solar flares, but you cannot see solar winds directly. However, the effects of solar winds reaching Earth appear to the naked eye when the aurora borealis and aurora australis electrify the night sky.
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Respuesta: Habría una sobrepoblación, y al haber tantos individuos se acarrearía una escasez de alimentos y de espacio. También podría ser que ya no podrían nacer más especies, ya que no habría materia utilizable para poder crecer.