A biologist discovered a young, four-legged animal. The animal had lungs, seemed to fertilize internally, and its outer surface was covered with scales. In which class of animals is the biologist likely to place the animal?
The hair follicles are present in the dermal papillae of the dermis layer. The dermal papillae are a series of triangular-shaped cells. The hair follicles are extending from the skin surface to the dermis layer of the skin. The hairs are the extension of the epidermis layer into the dermis layer of the muscle. The hair follicle has 2 parts, such as - the part which extends outside of the epidermis known as the shaft. The base of the follicle known as root. The hair follicle itself has different parts - outer root sheath, inner root sheath, and a centrally placed hair shaft. The erector muscles help in goosebumps of hair during cold.