The case of dred Scott vs Sanford was a case brought before the Supreme Court, who ruled that the US constitution didn’t include citizenship for black people, whether they were enslaved or free.
First, governments in most countries have created laws against monopolies for large corporations, which prevents that corporations have influence or power to weaken or do away with the smaller companies that are forming and gaining power and profitability. Second, large corporations use this as a way to gain competitiveness and revitalize the market, since it is known that where competition does not exist, it falls into mediocrity. Thus, a market where there are several companies that compete, keep alive the economic system, and there is always the possibility for large corporations, to buy the rival company, and gain with all their human capital, ideas, brands and fame of the company. Something like this was seen when Facebook buys WhatsApp for 21.8 billion dollars.
Mexico is a federal democratic republic, and the role of Mexican citizens is two-folded:
The first role is to understand Mexican laws, and abide by them (what is known as law-abiding citizens).
The second role is to participate in the election of governments, to oversee the governments actions, and to demand change or removal in case the government does things that go against the common will.