exported more goods than they imported
<h3>Answer:Jesus told them plainly, ‘Lazarus has died, and for your sake I am glad that I was not there, so that you may believe. But let us go to him’ ” (vv. 14–15).</h3><h3 /><h3>- John 11:11–16</h3>
Gerrymandering is the term that means drawing electoral district lines to the advantage of a certain party or group. It is actually the manipulation of the boundaries to facilitate a party or a group of people. The district that is created by this process is known by the name of gerrymander.
The Black Plague was a bacterial disease that created a pandemic centered around Eurasia and North Africa.
It was very deadly because the symptoms were extreme, and it spread easily.
Infected people would suddenly have fever and chills, as well as the development of painful buboes. They would also face bleeding and nausea.
The disease would kill people by blood clotting and organ failure.
B. He worked for school desegregation the forced to by courts.
Nixon makes a great effort to desegregate schools in the United States, integration was a huge goal.
Desegregation busing was another effort to integrate children and doesn't matter the district, children had to go to school in the same bus with black and white kids.
1970 less than 10% of black kids were segregated school.