Answer: In each case Carnegie is referring to the accumulation and unequal distribution of wealth, which have “revolutionized” human life for the good (“highly beneficial”). In the above paragraph, he goes further by saying this unequal distribution of wealth and the benefits it bestows are a “law of civilization.”Carnegie, a steel magnate, argued that very wealthy men like him had a responsibility to use their wealth for the greater good of society. He reasoned that rich men were the smartest and most organized in a society, so they would be best suited to administer their own wealth.
Climate, plants are more reluctant to grow in colder climates. than in warmer ones.
Napoleon crowned himself emperor in 1804.
Lenin and their family were sent to Siberia, where he lived in Shushenskoye.
Shakespeare's plays are all about questioning authority: kings are deposed; bad people (Iago) triump over good ones (Cassio); your parents don't always know best (the behaviour of the parents in Romeo and Juliet is the cause of all the trouble).
In the Middle Ages people had a general sense that God was in his heaven, and all was right with the world. In the Renaissance people started to ask if that was true.
Shakespeare is always asking difficult questions, which is a very Renaissance thing to do. And he never makes any direct reference to Christian faith in any of his plays:- religious doubt was also a very Renaissance characteristic.