This isn’t a question anybody can answer. The exposition is the first part of the book before a plot starts; the description of characters. You must read the book to find out about whoever Paul is.
to persuade
The website shown in the question above is trying to convince the reader that he needs something urgently, so he calls the page "You Need This Today!". This attempt to convince can also be called persuasion, since the site wants to persuade the reader, leading him to acquire something, be it an object, or a concept.
At the performance tonight, I am going to perform a jazz piece that I choreographed myself.
Myself belongs to the family of the objective pronouns along with yourself, himself, herself, ourselves and themselves. They are object pronouns that are used when the subject and the object are the same noun. In this case the subject is I so that the correct reflexive pronoun that collocates with that subject is undoubtedly myself.
No; Warren weakens her point by claiming that the Paycheck Fairness Act would "give women the tools to combat wage discrimination." No; Warren weakens her point by noting, "Today, a woman can get fired for asking the guy across the hall how much money he makes." Yes; Warren supports her point by noting, "Pay inequality also means a tougher retirement for women."
In addition to the aforementioned answer, the rhetoric that women make less simply because of discrimination, is factually inaccurate and is not supported by any data. In fact the difference in income is always drawn back to the job choices that women choose. Women are more art/literature bound for jobs whereas men choose higher paying jobs such as STEM, engineering, etc...